What Does a Modular Home Cost?

Modular home construction costs vary due to local building codes, impact fees, permitting, property conditions & market conditions. Our approved, Nationwide modular home builders provide estimated or detailed pricing for your new home – which ever you prefer. The pricing they provide meets your requirements and local building codes. Nationwide Homes is unable to provide modular construction costs because we are not familiar with the local building codes, plus an experienced, licensed contractor is necessary to complete the home on your property. The builder is responsible for the following:

  • Building Permits
  • Site preparation – foundation, well & septic, grading, driveway, etc
  • Garages
  • Deck or porches
  • Finishing the remaining 10% – 15% of the home. This includes some exterior and interior finishing that cannot be completed at our facility.

Nationwide Homes is a large subcontractor to the approved builder that includes engineering and marketing support.

You are under no obligation with the approved, Nationwide builder for pricing. Whether you are still in the planning stages or ready to move forward they are there to help you – not pressure you. The Nationwide builder is also your main contact throughout the process if you decide to build a HiPerformance Nationwide home.

Let us help get you in contact with our Nationwide modular home builder in your area.


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